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![]() ![]() A Solitary Soul (5-10)
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Part Five
Buffy was surprised. Never would she have expected Angel to be here. In
Getting over her surprised state, Buffy greeted him.
"Hello Angel. How are you?" Buffy asked casually. Many emotions were being
stirred with his presence and she vowed to not let him see any of them. Not
love, not hate. Nothing.
Buffy had two years of practice to control her feelings. She learned how to
keep her feelings unexpressed. Her eyes, her body language, nothing could
give away what she was feeling and she wanted that to remain that way.
"I'm fine, you?" Angel asked her, although all he wanted was to hold her and
never let go like he did in the past.
"Great. So, what are you doing here?" Buffy asked him, curious.
"Just visiting. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone." < Like you.
> Angel added silently.
"Well, if you don't mind, I really have to be going. Bye, hope to see you
around." Buffy said as she walked past him.
Angel stood there. He was surprised at her casualty. Giles had told him
that she was cold, but he never thought she'd be that.....casual. It took
him most of his energy and will to just stand there and not run up to her and
kiss her until she could no longer stand.
It was like she didn't care if Angel was there. He couldn't even tell what
she was thinking.
< Oh boy. > Angel thought.
Angel took one last look around the cemetery before leaving for the mansion.
< Looks like I'll be spending some quality time with the dust. > Angel
There was no doubt that the mansion would be all dusty when he arrived there.
Buffy let out a sigh as she walked out of the cemetery and walked home.
< Angel is here. He's here, after three years, he's here. > Buffy thought.
Shaking the thought out of her head.
She wouldn't think of him, she *refused* to think of him.
She wasn't about to forgive and forget easily. Not after what he put her
Buffy sighed again and opened the door to her house. Hanging her coat up,
Buffy went down into the basement for some more training.
Part Six
Buffy yawned as she got ready for bed. Training had been exhausting.
She had been training for two hours straight and she was tired. Training had
taken her mind off of Angel.
His presence in town had disturbed her. Whether out of hate or love, she
didn't know.
She hated not knowing what her feelings were. It made her feel vulnerable
and she knew from experience that it could get her hurt or possibly worst.
Changing her clothes into pajamas, Buffy climbed into bed and fell into a
troubled sleep.
*In Angels mansion, 1/2 miles away*
Angel sighed as he thought of Buffy.
He was on his back, hands behind his head, on his bed. He was right about
the mansion being all dusty.
It took him and hour to dust off all the dust that had gathered over the past
three years.
< Had it been that long? Three long years without ever seeing the one you
love. > It was torture he knew that for sure.
Angel lay on his bed, shirtless, thinking about her. Her being Buffy. It
was always about Buffy.
Never had a day pass by that he didn't think of her. She plagued his dreams.
She was everywhere he looked.
It took him everything, every ounce of will he had gathered since 80 some
years ago when he was given back his soul, to not pick up the phone and talk
to her. He wanted to hear her voice everyday, and it became harder to stay
And now, she was so close, yet so far away. He could actually talk to her,
touch her, hear her voice, hold her.
But she was so.....distant. All the years of slaying must have caught up on
He had expected to find his vibrant Buffy, but instead he found the cold,
bitter shell of what he thought was Buffy.
That was all she was. A shell. She was devoid of feelings.
Giles had told him all about her routine.
Train in the day, slay at night, and sleep for five hours and no more.
She was so skinny. He had to wonder if she's even eating properly.
< Probably not. All she seems to be thinking about is slaying. And she was
just so pale. >
She was as pale as he was, even paler if that was possible. Her skin clung
to her bones. She was just a bag of bones.
He had to wonder how she survived two years looking like that.
< Oh boy. Looks like Giles was right. She needs help. > Angel thought.
Angel sighed as he rolled over on his side and fell into a troubled sleep.
(Buffy fell asleep the same time Angel did)
As the two lovers slept, they dreamt of each other. Whether willingly or
not, they found each other in the arms of one another.
Part Seven
Angel stood still, letting his eyes adjust to the brightness of the room.
When finally his eyes were able to see, he took a look around.
He couldn't see anything but white clouds.
< Where am I? Is this heaven? > Angel asked to himself.
Angel could hear someone whisper his name. The voice was so familiar. The
sound seemed to echo off of the white clouds and walls.
The voice said again, only louder. It was clearly a female's voice.
"Angel...." she said again, although who 'she' is, is still unknown.
The voice was so familiar. He knew that voice from anywhere, but he couldn't
quite put his finger on it.
Suddenly he knew who it was.
< Buffy? > Angel thought.
"Buffy? Is that you?" Angel asked aloud.
"Angel, I missed you." Buffy said.
Angel still couldn't see where she was. The need to find her was
overwhelming his senses.
"Buffy, where are you?"
"Open your eyes and you'll see." She said.
< Open my eyes? But they're already open. > Angel was confused.
"You must not use your eyes as the only sense, Angel. Close your eyes."
Angel, still confused, closed his eyes. When after a few seconds he couldn't
see her, he began to panic.
"Buffy, I don't see you."
"Concentrate, please, I need to see you."
Angel concentrated. Suddenly another bright light appeared behind his closed
eyelids and a person could be seen.
Even from far away he would be able to recognize her.
Opening his eyes, he saw her standing over the horizon. He began to walk
towards her as she began to walk towards him.
The two lovers met in the middle and embraced.
"Buffy, I missed you." Angel said, his voice muffled since his face was
buried in the crook of her neck.
"I missed you too." She said.
Buffy felt so safe in his arms, she missed this. Being able to be held by
him gave her a sense of security.
"Angel, you have to help me."
"What do you mean?" Angel asked, concerned.
"You have to help me." She said again.
Buffy pulled back and she could see the worry apparent in his eyes.
"What? How can I help you? Are you in danger?" He asked.
"You must find a way. Time is almost up." Buffy replied, cryptically.
"No. You have to tell me. How can I help you if I don't know what's hurting
"You will. Angel, remember that I love you. I have to go."
"No. Don't go." Angel tried to pull her back into his arms but she was
already out of reach.
"You have to help me." She said again, her voice nothing more than a whisper.
Angel shot up from bed. Sweat trickling down his forehead and onto his
chest. Angel was breathing heavily, although there was no need for it.
Taking deep breaths Angel began to calm down. He knew that he would never be
able to get anymore rest.
Angel lay there, thinking about the dream.
< Weird dream.... >
Buffy shot up from bed. Sweat trickling down her forehead and onto the
She had dreamt of Angel. She had never dreamt of Angel, consciously she
never did or at least she never remembered the dreams that she dreamt of
Now she remembered every detail of their dream.
Buffy had been so lost when she called out for him. It was instinct for her
to be calling out for Angel. When she didn't receive any answer from him,
she began to worry.
Calling out louder and clearer. Still he didn't answer. She called out
again and finally, he answered.
He was curious and he was in a panic when he couldn't see her. Buffy tried
to see where he was, but was unsuccessful.
Then she remembered what Giles had said a long time ago.
"The eyes are not only used for seeing. Closing one's eyes can bring out
things that you might not be able to see with the naked eye." He had said.
She told him to close his eyes and there he was, over the horizon.
Buffy started making her way to Angel at the same time that he was making his
way over to her.
They met in the middle and embraced.
Buffy could remember their conversation. She didn't know what she was
talking about.
Sighing, Buffy knew she wouldn't be able to get anymore rest. She got up and
trained again.
< What a weird dream..... >
Part Eight
It was sunset, he could smell it in the air. His vampire instincts told him
to hunt while his entire soul and heart told him to find his beloved.
He wanted to see her so much. Especially after the dream. The dream had
scared him, filled him with dread with the possibility that Buffy might be in
danger and he wouldn't be able to help her out.
That was the worst feeling in the world for him. The feeling of
helplessness. Not being able to help the one you love the most tears him
He didn't, *wouldn't* think of the possibility of Buffy getting hurt or worse
and he wouldn't be able to help her.
He wanted to, no *needed* to make sure that Buffy was all right. That nothing
had happened to her when she had left the cemetery.
Picking up his duster, Angel made his way towards the front door of the
When Angel stepped out of the enormous building, he couldn't help but take a
deep breath. It was pretty useless for him. Vampires didn't need to
breathe, but it seemed to calm him down.
Feeling some what calmer, Angel made his way towards the first cemetery.
Buffy stopped her training. She'd been training constantly. She hadn't stop
to take a drink or catch her breath once.
She was pretty much exhausted, although it helped her to not think of Angel
and what his presence in town might mean.
For all she knew it was because she was in danger or something. It was so
noble of him, coming down to Sunnydale to save her.
He was a white knight coming to save the damsel in distress.
< I'm not his 'damsel in distress.' I can take care of myself. I have for
the past three years without him. Let's just hope it stays that way. >
Buffy thought.
She wasn't hoping for any kind of reunion. She didn't want to be with him.
She didn't want to go through the pain again when he leaves because there was
no doubt that he would leave. She wouldn't trust that easily this time. Not
ever will she trust a man or *anyone* for that matter.
She learned from experience that the people you trust may turn against you
and use your trust against you.
She knew that when Angel had reverted to his old self that it wasn't him, but
what hurt more was what *Angel* did, not Angelus.
He broke her heart a million times over and she would never forgive him for
She was lying to herself when she said that she didn't care about Angel, but
she didn't care, as long as she believed it.
Buffy had vowed that she would never trust anyone but herself ever again.
She had no intention of ever breaking it, no matter what happens. If the
circumstances were under her control she would have it no other way.
Part Nine
< There's no vamps around. Weird.... > Angel thought as he patrolled the
silent streets and cemeteries.
There were no vampires around. He had been patrolling for hours and yet he
never saw one, not even *one* vampire around.
< I thought I'd never live, no pun intended, to see the day where I wished
for vampires. >
Making his way silently through the streets, Angel decided to patrol for a
little more.
Turning around, Angel walked. His thoughts wondering around. Angel was so
lost in thought that he never saw the figure in front of him until he ran
into it.
"Ahh!" he screamed.
"Ommph." the figure exclaimed when she hit the concrete.
"Ow. That hurt." She said.
Angel went over to help her up. He was standing in front of her, hovering
over her as a shadow, when she looked up.
It made him gasp. Not exactly *it* but she.
Angel reached out a hand to help her up.
Buffy just looked questioningly at it and got up without his help.
Angel retracted his hand a bit nervously. He was hurt that she didn't want
him to help her up, irrational he knew.
Buffy looked at him, curious as to why he was outside at this hour.
"You know, it's not safe to be outside at this hour. What are you doing
here?" She asked.
"I can take care of myself." Angel told her.
"I never doubted that."
"I was out patrolling, seems like you killed all the vamps." Angel said,
trying to find a conversation for them to be talking about.
"Except you, of course. And Spike, can't forget Spike." Buffy told him
Angel flinched, that stung him. Angel tried to ignore her tone of voice, she
was so cold.
"Spike, huh? Why didn't you stake him already?" Angel asked, curious.
"Because he's just a toothless puppy. It's not fun to kill when they can't
fight you back. Takes all the fun out of it." Buffy said, matter-of-factly,
bitterness creeping into her voice.
It unnerved him when she said that. Now she was looking at him like he was a
The cold look in her eyes, her stance, the way she was talking. She was so
cold, bitter, and distant.
Angel was scared silly. The way she was looking at him made him want to run.
Buffy could see Angel's fear. She could see it clear as glass.
Giving him a little smirk, Buffy turned to leave.
"Remember Angel, you're in my territory. I can kill you if I wanted to."
Buffy called over her shoulder.
< Oh boy. > He thought, < Look what you did know. >
It was going to take forever to change her back into the Buffy he knew and to
get her to trust him again.
As Buffy was walking home, she let out a sigh.
< Glad that was over. > she thought.
She had put up a brave front. She was glad that she could keep all emotions
from her voice when she was talking to him.
She missed him, but she would be damned if she ever admitted that to herself
or to anyone for that matter.
Walking onto her front porch, Buffy opened the door to her house.
When she made it to her living room, Buffy stopped dead in her tracks.
Buffy did what she hadn't done in years.
She screamed.
Part Ten
When Buffy had left, Angel stood there thinking. When he could no longer see
Buffy in the horizon, he followed her.
He just wanted to make sure she got home safe.
< Not that she shouldn't. She killed all the vamps already, except me and
Spike. >
He watched as she stepped onto her porch and took out her keys. He saw her
enter her house.
He moved closer, he saw her stop dead in her tracks. Fear apparent on her
He heard the most bloodcurdling scream ever.
Angel ran as fast as he could to her house, he wanted to help her but there
was a barrier that he could never pass unless he received and invitation.
"Buffy!" He screamed. He watched as she turned, her face as white as a
ghost, she was shaking like a leaf.
Blood. It was everywhere. Everywhere. Blood. And from the ceilings hung
the owners of the blood.
So much blood, all she could see was red. She couldn't breathe. Buffy was
loosing her grip on reality when she heard someone call her name.
Already hyperventilating, she turned to see Angel. The simple movement made
her dizzy and she passed out. One word escaped her lips as she fell.
Angel watched as he saw her collapsed when he heard her call his name. It
was an invitation, he knew.
As the barrier was removed he rushed to Buffy's side. Checking for her pulse
and her breathing.
When he looked up, he was about to faint as well.
< Oh god. >
On the walls were writings. A warning.
"Slayer, your time is almost up."
Picking Buffy up, supporting her head and her feet, he carried her out of the
house and towards the mansion.
There was so much blood. In all his years he had never seen that much blood.
The innocents who were obviously the ones who were taken of their own blood,
hung from the ceiling.
Angel had to fight to keep his sanity as well. He wanted to faint, take
comfort in the darkness that sleep would provide.
Looking down at the bundle that he carried her features were nothing but
peaceful. She looked so beautiful asleep and he would do anything to keep
her safe.
She looked so innocent.
He walked all the way to his mansion. After ten minutes he came upon the
Opening the door and closing it with the back of his feet, he made his way to
the bedroom.
Placing her on the bed and covering her up with the satin red sheets, he made
sure she was comfortable and left to make a phone call.
When he was in the next room, he picked up the phone and dialed the number he
knew by heart.
"Hello Cordelia. Bring the others down to Sunnydale, no arguments. I'm at
the mansion." With that he hung up and called another person.
"Hello, Giles."
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