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![]() ![]() A Solitary Soul (1-4)
![]() ~Title: A Solitary Soul
~Part: One
~Author: Pixie
~Disclaimer: I don't own them.
~Distribution: No one would want it anyways. *sigh* oh well. If you do
(Which probably won't happen.) ask me, I'll say yes.
~Relationships: B/A (It's gonna be a reunion kind of thing.) W/O, X/Anya,
C/D, G/Joyce
~Author's Note: *sigh* don't think there is any. < > means thoughts.
~Spoilers: Only Angel leaving so far.
~Feedback: I'm kinda depressed right now, it's Christmas and I'm depressed.
~Email Addy: [email protected]
~Ratings: PG?
~Summary: Buffy feels lonely, she thinks about the whole Slayer thing and
decides it was best if they had no contact with Buffy. Just READ it!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*On with the story~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*Part One*
< Come on. Come on. > Buffy Summers thought as she waited for the newly
made vampire to rise from it's slumber.
< I'd wish they'd hurry up. > She thought again with a sigh.
As if on cue, the dirt beneath her feet began to move.
< Finally! > she exclaimed in her head, glad the night was almos over.
Buffy watched as hthe vampire rose. It was a girl, no older than sh was.
Buffy felt sorry for her. Another inocent dead because she couldn't save
< Oh well. Think of it as 'I kill a vampire, I save a life.' > Buffy
thought, trying to cheer herself up, it wasn't working.
As soon as Buffy saw her chest, Buffy plunged the stake deep into her dead
heart and she was nothing more than ashes.
Buffy continued to patrol through the graveyard. After making sure there
were on more vampires for her to dust, Buffy left for the Bronze.
As Buffy neared the club, she could hear music flowing out of it.
Buffy paid the bouncer and entered the club.
Buffy walked in and looked around for her friends.
As usual, she spotted them at their usual seats.
She saw that everyone there had a partner.
Willow and Oz. Xandera nd Anya. Even at home there was Giles asn Joyce,
they were 'dating.'
Only Buffy was alone. She was partnerless. No one to snuggle up with late
at night. No one to give goodbye kisses too. No one to hear her complain
how unfair her life was.
That used to be where Angel came in.
But he had left her.
Still, after a year, it hurt to even think that Angel had abandoned her.
Quickly stopping herself from thinking of Angel any further, Buffy glanced at
the group again.
She watched as Xander talked, probably some silly joke of his. She watche as
the group laughed, even Oz cracked a smile.
Feeling depressed again, Buffy left, not wanting to be a third wheel at all.
Buffy left to her dorm rooms where she could think further.
Part Two
She knew now why Slayers weren't meant to have family or friends.
It hurt too much to see them happy while you were in constant pain and misery.
She couldn't allow her friends to share any more of her misery than she
already ahd.
They deserved more than taht. They deserved a life without darkness.
Sh edidn't want them to be risking their lives for her duty.
It was, after all, *her* duty. She and she alone will carry that burden
until the day she died.
She wanted her friends to live a long and happy lfe without demons or
darkness stopping them.
They should live in the "light."
< They don't deserve to have this burden. That's my burden. I should be
letting them go on with their lives. > Buffy thought and sighed.
It was going to be painful, on her part as well as theirs, to let go of them.
But she had to.
< Slaying shoudl be my life. It is the reason why I was born. Not for
friends. Not for families. Not for.....lovers. > Buffy sighed again. She
knew she was never meant to have lovers.
Angel, Parker, and Riley all proved that to be true.
From now on, Buffy Summers had on purpose: Slaying.
< Oh well. I'm sorry guys. > Buffy thought ruefully as she picked up the
newspaper by her feet.
< Time to look for a new place. >
![]() Part Three
*2 years from now*
Kick, punch, duck, kick, punch, punch, roundhouse, stake. Kick, punch, duck,
kick, punch, punch, roundhouse, stake.
Buffy Summers was training in her basement of her home.
She'd been training for hours. She hadn't even broke a sweat. The moves
coming naturally to her as she repeated the form over and over again.
Finally feeling confident that she had mastered this form, she did staffs.
Buffy Summers had become an even more powerful slayer than ever before, due
to her devotion to training and patrolling.
The number of vampires and demons were dwindling to a mere nothing.
There hardly were vampires anymore.
Rumors were going around about how the slayer would kill any demon or vampire
without hesitation, thus earning the Hellmouth to be less of an activity than
ever before.
Giles was both proud and disappointed. He was proud that his slayer finally
took matters into her own hands. But he was disappointed that she had done
it all alone, not even paying attention to any of his warnings.
Some day she would hurt herself or even worse, but she still never listened.
Not that Buffy cared anymore.
She had decided long ago, two years ago in fact, that it was safer if she
took her duty seriously.
She trained in the day, patrolled in the night, and slept for only five hours.
She had lost contact with her once called friends about a year ago when she
had refused to talk to them.
They had all moved on, so Giles had said, and Buffy was glad that they had.
Sure she missed them sometimes, but being alone in the darkness was the
price. She never want anyone to share her duty with anymore.
She had fired Giles from being her Watcher.
He had been shocked and mad and he had protested profusedly.
Buffy took a long time to give in. She let him be her watcher, under one
The condition being that all he did was watch and research. He had protested
again, but Buffy was stubborn.
Thinking that it was better to watch and do research for Buffy than not
having to do anything at all for Buffy was better.
Buffy's attire had also changed as well.
Going from skirts, bright colored shirts and blouses to black leather pants,
black tops, and a black duster.
Her attire made her look like some avenger. All black.
Buffy had also become as pale as a sheet. The result of not having been in
the sun for over two years. Only when necessary did she went out in the
sun, but never for social reasons.
Buffy had also dropped out of school. She got her money from the Watcher's
Council. She had wrote a letter telling them that if they want a slayer that
still worked to protect the world than they better start paying her.
They paid her a fortune, but she never used the money for anything except for
buying weapons.
Her house was simple, the walls were adorned with many types of weapons.
Her basement was her training place. Mats, staffs, and swords were one of
her many training equipment.
Buffy looked at her wristwatch. She decided that she would train for another
hour before showering and patrolling.
Putting down the staff, she picked up her sword and began another round of
Part Four
Buffy sighed as she stepped into the steaming hot shower. Standing directly
under the spray, Buffy closed her eyes and relaxed.
She was already relaxed after her meditation. She usually meditate after
some vigorous exercise and training.
It took her a few months to master the art of meditating and when she finally
did, she was glad she learned how.
Meditating helped her to relax and it also help her with her concentration
span, which used to be two minutes before she got bored.
Now she can sit there, legs folded and hands on her knee, for hours at most.
Pulling out of her thoughts, Buffy finished up her shower before the hot
water ran out. Turning off the water, she stepped out and grabbed a big
fluffy towel. Using it to dry herself up and taking another towel for her
hair. When she was done drying herself and her hair, she put on her usual
slaying clothes.
Black tank top and black leather pants.
Exiting the bathroom, Buffy went into her bedroom for some stakes. She hid
her stakes in hiding places that she managed to make in her home, a hole in
the wall--covered with a picture frame--held some stakes, a hole in the
floor--covered with a wooden plate and a rug held by a lock--held even more
stakes. There were even more places that she managed to make a hiding place
for her weapons. Removing the picture frame, Buffy grabbed some stakes,
tucking the stakes into hidden places beneath her clothing.
Making sure no stakes were showing, Buffy picked up her duster.
Checking to make sure that all windows and doors were closed, Buffy went on
< This is boring. There's *no* vampires out. Probably cause you killed them
all. > Buffy thought to herself.
Buffy haven't even seen a vampire for months, the last time was three months
ago. It was a fledgling.
< Makes me wish I never killed them all. Freaky. > Buffy sighed.
She stopped in her tracks when she felt her 'spidey sense' go off along with
a feeling in her stomach that she just couldn't understand.
The feelings were all to familiar, yet she couldn't put her finger on it.
"You know, you're just wasting my time. Might as well come out or you'll be
facing one pissed off slayer." Buffy told the vampire.
"Wouldn't want to do that now would we?" A familiar voice answered.
Buffy watched as a figure stepped out of the shadows. Buffy held back a gasp
when she saw who the owner of the voice was.
"Hello Buffy. Long time no see." Angel told the quiet Buffy.
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